Sunday, September 16, 2007

A few things for your veiwing pleasure

Since our camera is broken, I've made a video of our new home in Maryland. Please disregard the ugly blue sheet in the window. The Landlord has yet to put the blinds in.

Here's a look into one possible scenerio for Adam's future, as a Maestro. Special thanks to Little Einstein's and Adam's dad who frequently is seen by Adam around the house conducting to an imaginary orchestra, or music he's listing to on his Ipod.

Could we have some professional golfers in our future? The first part of this clip is Adam at the driving range in Colorado with his Dad and Grandma Brandt this summer. The rest was today in our backyard.


Shawny said...

Love the videos! It's so great to see your new place.

Net said...

I am so glad you have such a big yard. It makes all the difference in the world. Both Adam and Lincoln have great golf swings. Wow! I was really impressed.

My Many Coloured Days said...! Your yard is fabulous - and fenced in too, yeah! My boys are loving watching the "Adam show" on TV! He's such a talented cutie - Lincoln too!